Graphic Design

Above is a project created in Florence, Italy. I was assigned a redesign of the Ospedale degli Innocenti, The Hospital of the Innocent. This institution was originally an orphanage that now focuses on the hospitality of children and making sure they are always taken care of correctly. That there is never a starving child or hurting pregnant woman. They always want them to have a place to stay. I was asked to design new characters to use for merchandise in the museum’s children’s market.

Above is a project I created in Florence, Italy. I was assigned to redesign the cover of Roald Dahl children's books. Repurposing the classic Roald Dahl illustrations done by the artist Sir Quentin Blake I was able to keep the classic feel while simplifying and modernizing them.

Above is a project I created in Florence, Italy. It is a graphic created to be used in a Serigraphy process, also known as Screen Printing. “Screen printing is a printing technique where a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil” (Wikipedia). Here I show the final graphic on the left and the layered graphics to the right. The layered graphics are needed in this form of art as each color is printed as a separate layer and a separate part of each screen. This was inspired by my struggle with mental health. The quote reads, “I wish I could squeeze the hand of my past self and tell her you’ll be fine then pick up the phone to my future self just to hear her recite the same line” (s.r.w.)

Above is a project I created in Florence, Italy. It is a graphic created to be used in a Serigraphy process, also known as Screen Printing. “Screen printing is a printing technique where a mesh is used to transfer ink onto a substrate, except in areas made impermeable to the ink by a blocking stencil” (Wikipedia). This was inspired by my group of seven best friends that have been inseparable since highschool. We are all spread across the country now in different colleges so I wanted to create something that was tangible and could be used on the daily reminding us of one another and tote bags seemed to be the perfect answer.

Orange Mural.jpg

Above is a project I created in San Clemente, CA as I was interning for RSM Design. I worked on logo mock-ups for a company named “OC Vibe”.

bandana pdf.png

Above is a project I created in San Clemente, CA as I was interning for RSM Design. RSM Design does an annual Christmas gift that is sent out to all of their clients. This was a mockup for one of the gift ideas. This particular idea was to design a custom bandana along with a “how to wear a bandana?” flyer attached.